
Welcome To
D Y Patil Education Society (Deemed to be University), Kolhapur

Simulation and Skills Centre

Who Are We?

The Simulation Skills Centre (SSC) is an interdisciplinary hub for students in medical, nursing, and physiotherapy. Guided by a collaborative core committee led by the SSC Academic Director and the Dean of the Medical College, we serve a student population exceeding 1,600. Our core commitment is to foster experiential learning and skill development through simulation-based education. Over the past three years, we've integrated automation and data-driven feedback mechanisms to enhance operational efficiency. Beyond numbers, our dedication extends to fostering a collaborative atmosphere that seeks partnerships and encourages research initiatives. Positioned at the nexus of education, innovation, and community engagement, the SSC aims to make a lasting impact on healthcare advancement.

What We Do?

Our primary focus is on creating an innovative and adaptive learning environment through simulation activities and workshops. Over the past three years, we have successfully implemented automation and data-driven feedback mechanisms, enhancing the efficiency of our operations manifold. Beyond traditional pedagogy, we embrace andragogy, recognizing the evolving nature of the simulation industry. Our workshops not only refine the skills of SSC staff but also prioritize community impact, engaging in collaborations with external entities. Furthermore, we actively encourage research activities, utilizing the substantial data collected by the SSC to contribute meaningfully to advancements in healthcare education.

Where do we envision?

Looking ahead, our future direction is oriented towards setting new industry benchmarks in curriculum integration. We aim to continue designing innovative modules based on global best practices while remaining attuned to local needs through feedback from both students and faculty. Our commitment extends to introducing efficient and value-added courses, ensuring that our graduates are not only well-prepared for their professional journeys but are also equipped to adapt swiftly to the ever-evolving healthcare landscape. The SSC envisions itself as a driving force in shaping the future of healthcare education, emphasizing not only skill acquisition but also a broader commitment to community welfare and impactful research initiatives.


Total Workshops


Total Beneficiaries


Faculty trained in Simulation Methodology


Mayo Clinic USA Certified Faculty


Research Activities


External Faculty Workshops


Internal Faculty Workshops


Trained in First Aid / CPR for Community


Guest Visits

Upcoming Events
